We provides historical monthly and yearly weather data for 31788 weather stations in Europe, the United States and the World, starting from january 1701 year and ending with the current date.
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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Alto da Boa Vista
- Angra dos Reis
- Araras
- Avelar P do Alferes
- Bangu
- Barreirinha
- Cabo Frio Cape
- Engenho de Dentro
- Gra Juriti Petropol
- Iguaba Grande
- Ilha Guaiba
- Jacarepagua
- Jardim Botanico
- Nova Friburgo
- Penha
- Pinheiral
- Pirai
- Santa Cruz
- Santa Teresa
- Sao Bento Duque de Caxias
- Sao Fidelis
- Saquarema
- Silva Jardim
- Teresopolis
- Teresopolis
- Tingua
- Vassouras
- Xerem