At the moment, the site has a weather archive for 15004 weather stations in Europe, the United States and the world, starting from January 1, 2011 and ending with the current date.
Archive search (by index or name of weather station, village, city):
- Alameda Icta
- Asuncion Mita
- Camotan
- Catarina
- Champerico Fegua
- Chinique
- Chixoy
- Coban
- Concepcion
- Cubulco
- El Capitan
- El Tablon
- Esquipulas
- Flores
- Guatemala
- Guatemala Observatory
- Huehuetenango
- La Fragua
- La Union
- Labor Ovalle
- Las Vegas
- Los Albores
- Los Altos
- Los Esclavos
- Mazatenango
- Montufar
- Nebaj
- Panzos Alta Verapaz
- Pasabien
- Poptun
- Potrero Carrillo
- Puerto Barrios
- Quetzaltenango
- Quezada
- Retalhuleu
- Sabana Grande
- Sacapulas
- San Agustin Acasaguastlan
- San Jerónimo
- San Jose
- San Marcos
- San Martin Jilotepeque
- San Pedro Necta
- Santa Cruz Balanya
- Santa Maria Cahabon
- Santiago Atitlan
- Suiza Contenta
- Tecun Uman
- Todos Santos